Monthly BEP Reports Are Back

Two years ago the BEP set out to develop a new CMS to deliver their monthly reports. Since then we've been in the dark, guessing at production values based on collector reports and plate numbers. The BEP finally started reporting monthly production values yesterday! I'll update the Star Note Lookup and production tables by...

Reference Pages Now Mobile Optimized

The traffic stats for this website show that 30% of you visiting the reference pages are on mobile devices or tablets. The previous design was not optimized for such small screens and made you do a lot of pinching, scrolling, and swiping to use the site. I've redesigned the reference pages for a better experience...

July 2011 BEP Report

The only new star notes printed last month were of the $100 denomination: A run of 1.28 million notes for the 2006 San Francisco (L) district: HL 2880 0001 - HL 3008 0000 . A short run of 128,000 notes for the 2009 New York (B) district: JB 3520 0001 - JB 3532 8000 ....

Welcome to MyCurrencyCollection's New Blog

Hey folks, Welcome to the new blog for My Currency Collection. If you're wondering what'll be posted here, I'm right there with you. I haven't really thought that far ahead. I built this blog because I recently got into the mood of improving and adding new reference material. Maybe I'll try to document what I'm...